Monthly rainfall in Uberlândia - MG obtained by different data sources
Dados meteorológicos, Validação, Minas GeraisAbstract
Weather and climate monitoring and forecasting are fundamental tools for decision-makers in Brazil. Even so, the country presents a lack of long and homogeneous meteorological data time series. In this sense, Uberlândia - the second largest municipality in Minas Gerais - is impacted by hydrological extremes and associated disasters, requiring better knowledge of its climate regime. Thus, the objective of this study is to validate the monthly precipitation from INMET Automatic Weather Station (AWS) in Uberlândia, by comparing it with five different data sources, in a regular grid point (CHIRPS, XAVIER, GPCC, TRMM e GPCP), in order to assess whether estimated precipitation can be used instead of observed data. The results show that the five datasets tend to overestimate the AWS precipitation, especially in the rainy season (October to March). The GPCC is the source that best represents the precipitation, followed by the XAVIER. Both sources have the second highest horizontal resolution among the sources evaluated (0.25° x 0.25°). On the other hand, CHIRPS is the source that represents the worst precipitation in the municipality, despite being the source with the highest resolution (0.05° x 0.05°). This study demonstrates the feasibility to indicate precipitation database alternatives, in the absence of long and homogeneous time series for Uberlândia, allowing for preventive strategy elaboration within environmental risk scenarios and, consequently, the development of more effective public policies.
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