Modified Monte Alegre Formula applied to the Flona de Ipanema data, MERRA-2 and remote sensing products




Wildfires, Reanalysis, Rainfall satellite estimate, Fire prevention, Environmental monitoring


An evaluation with meteorological data from the INMET weather station indicated that the modified Monte Alegre Formula is a suitable tool, as for the Flona de Ipanema, as for its neighbors municipalities and organizations for the wildfire prevention  and combat. The wildfires, usual during the dry season, are initiated by anthropogenic actions and are one of great worries of that Conservation Unit managers. About 75% of the detected events in the Flona de Ipanema between 2009 and 2020 corresponded to the “very high” and “extreme” danger categories of the modified Monte Alegre Formula. This result have waked the motivation to test the remote sensing data and the Merra-2 products to estimate the modified Monte Alegre Formula. Although those products are overestimated when compared to the observational data, both remote sensing and MERRA-2 data are useful to monitor the environmental conditions against the wildfires if the observational data are unavailable. The rainfall seasonal and annual anomalies (observational data) did not explain the rise tendency of the wildfires. However, the frosts followed by positive and persistent atmospheric pressure anomalies concentrated in a period of less than 30 days showed favor the occurrence of wildfire.


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Author Biography

Cássia Maria Leme Beu, Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN)

Possui graduação em Meteorologia pela Universidade de São Paulo (1997), mestrado em Meteorologia pela Universidade de São Paulo (2003) e MBA em Gestão Ambiental pelo PECE-USP (2011). Tem experiência na área de Geociências, com ênfase em Meteorologia, atuando principalmente previsão do tempo e clima.


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How to Cite

Beu, C. M. L. (2022). Modified Monte Alegre Formula applied to the Flona de Ipanema data, MERRA-2 and remote sensing products. Brazilian Journal of Climatology, 31(18), 857–878.


