HUMIDEX and WBGT indices estimate of the Sorocaba metropolitan region between 2007 and 2020




WBGT, HUMIDEX, conforto térmico


Diseases associated with heat extremes are a reality, although little importance is given to this subject. In part, the lack of attention is due the unknowing. In part, the lack of care is the negligence of the authorities, regarding inspection, especially in terms of working conditions. In this work, the HUMIDEX and WBGT indices were calculated for the Metropolitan Region of Sorocaba, Sao Paulo countryside, with a 14-year dataset. Despite being close to the ocean, Sorocaba is not influenced by the sea breeze, which could contribute to alleviate the heat and its climate is characterized by high temperatures in several months of the year. The measurement of bioclimatic indices can contribute to public health policies in order to reduce the unhealthy conditions of workers exposed to excessive heat and, consequently, improve the quality of life and even productivity, as indicated by researches.


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Author Biography

Cássia Maria Leme Beu, Centro de Lasers e Aplicações, Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN)

Possui graduação em Meteorologia pela Universidade de São Paulo (1997), mestrado em Meteorologia pela Universidade de São Paulo (2003) e MBA em Gestão Ambiental pelo PECE-USP (2011). Tem experiência na área de Geociências, com ênfase em Meteorologia, atuando principalmente previsão do tempo e clima.


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How to Cite

Beu, C. M. L. (2022). HUMIDEX and WBGT indices estimate of the Sorocaba metropolitan region between 2007 and 2020. Brazilian Journal of Climatology, 30(18), 313–336.


