Surface urban heat island, heat waves and cold spells in Rio de Janeiro city, RJ, Brazil (2015 – 2019)
Eventos Extremos. Cobertura da Terra. Percentis. Clima Urbano.Abstract
This article aims to analyze the relationship between heat waves, cold spells, and surface urban heat islands in Rio de Janeiro city, RJ, Brazil. The waves were defined by minimum duration of three consecutive days with temperatures above (below) 95th percentiles (5th) for heat (cold) waves. Daily average temperature data from seven weather stations were collected and systematized between 2015 and 2019. For the surface urban heat islands, Landsat 8 scenes were used in order to represent summer and winter days. Irajá station shown the higher frequency of heat waves, and also had the second highest frequency of cold spells. Santa Cruz station shown the highest frequency of cold spells, which demonstrates the influence of coastline zone and geographical position due to frontal systems entry zone. As a main result, not only surface urban heat island performs an important influence for heat waves and cold spells, but geographic climate factors are also relevant.
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