Analysis of temperature extremes in the South of Brazil
CLIMDEX. Trends. Regional and sub-regional analysis.Resumo
This research analyzes trends in climatic temperature extremes in southern Brazil (SB), based on eight indices, four absolute and four percentiles for maximum and minimum temperatures (TX and TN), calculated from observed data series of high spatial resolution (0.25°x0.25°) for the period of 1980-2016. The Mann-Kendall test (MK) was used to analyse the significance of trends, in °C/decade. The results showed an increase in the intensity and frequency of extremes in the SB, with overall negative trends being verified for the absolute extremes of TN and positive trends for the absolute extremes of TX, rendering safe to infer that a dilation of the daily temperature range took place in the period. The northern and southern border regions of the SB showed negative trends for the percentages of cold days and nights, whereas the central region of the SB exhibited positive trends for those variables and negative trends for the percentages of warm days and nights, with the opposite being observed for the peripheral region. However, the performed characterization of the behaviour of the aforementioned extreme indices should serve as a warning for agriculture management, as this is one of the most important economic activities in the SB. Special attention must be given to the winter crops, considering the increase/decrease in the number of chill hours.
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