Contradictions, weaknesses and correct decisions of the landmarks of regularization of venezuelans in Brazil


  • João Carlos Jarochinski Silva Universidade Federal de Roraima (UFRR)
  • Bernardo Adame Abrahão Universidade Federal de Roraima (UFRR)



Venezuelans, Brazil, Migratory Legislation, Refuge, Human Rights.


This article analyzes the way in which the Brazilian State has dealt with the Venezuelan migratory flow in order to carry out a critical analysis in the normative construction of responses to the flows that go to Brazil, through the confrontation of this state construction with the effectiveness of the measures and the compliance with international Human Rights. We will first analyze the Venezuelan migration in Roraima, in order to relate this flow to the legal framework of the Statute of Foreigners, new migration law and the Refugee Statute, as well as the emergency norms for the subject, such as Resolution 126 / 2017 of the CNIg, as well as Interministerial Order No. 9. Finally, it will be analyzed whether the legal norms of protection to the migrant in Brazil are consistent with the expectations promoted by Human Rights enshrined in international diplomas. The article concludes that the recognition of the serious and widespread violation of human rights in Venezuela, although belated, was adequate to the international commitments assumed by Brazil.



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How to Cite

Silva, J. C. J., & Abrahão, B. A. (2019). Contradictions, weaknesses and correct decisions of the landmarks of regularization of venezuelans in Brazil. Monções: UFGD Journal of International Relations, 8(16), 255–278.



Artigos Dossiê - Deslocamentos populacionais, migrações de crise e refugiados