The The Paris Convention revisited
the Brazil’s entrance in the international industrial property system (1880-1883)
Industrial Property, History of International Relations, History of Brazilian Foreign PolicyAbstract
The paper presents partial results of an ongoing research, concerning the process of Brazil's entrance to an international system of regulation and governance of industrial property rights, founded in 1883. Starting from a reflection on the relations between technological appropriation and capitalist development in the second half of the 19th century, the study seeks to investigate the reasons, objectives and circumstances that led the Empire of Brazil to promptly adhere to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, the first multilateral agreement relating this issue, anticipating several industrialized and technologically advanced countries. We conclude that Brazil's adherence to the agreement met the demands of productive sectors interested in the adoption of new standards of protection of technological property in the country and was integrated into a new foreign policy strategy released in the 1870s.
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