International Politics at CPAC: contents, actors and positions in the public sphere (2018-2021)


  • Otávio Ferreira FLACSO



International Politics, United States, Hegemony


The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) is a political initiative created in the 1970s to operate as an ideological apparatus of conservative groups in the United States linked to the Republican Party. Traditionally more focused on domestic politics, there is a tendency to be more concerned with the international agenda. The paper exposes, analyzes, and systematizes contents, actors, and positions recorded at CPAC conferences and on the website of the American Conservative Union Foundation, the organizing entity of the conferences, between 2018 and 2020, in addition to what was presented at the first conference of the year 2021, on international affairs. It identifies great concern with the international agenda. It is evident the repeated defense of the US status as a leader in the defense of freedoms, the free market, and democracy.
The country is heralded as the only one capable of facing the dire threats posed in international geopolitics, especially by China.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, O. (2023). International Politics at CPAC: contents, actors and positions in the public sphere (2018-2021). Monções: UFGD Journal of International Relations, 12(23), 84–108.