U.S. and Chinese public policies toward the pandemic: geopolitical tensions, technological competition, and development models





China, Estados Unidos, 5G, Tecnologia, Covid-19


This article aims to analyze the public policies responses of China and the United States to the COVID-19 pandemic, emphasizing the current context of rising geopolitical tensions, technological competition and different development models of both countries. Considering the contemporary relevance of the internet, we will highlight the race for leadership in the deployment of 5G networks. Our main research question is: what was the role of the pandemic in the geopolitical competition between China and the United States, in terms of technology? The research methodology consists in a qualitative analysis of official documents and specialized literature on the issue. Our hypothesis is that the pandemic may have given an advantage to China in the race for the 5G, as the Chinese government focused its investments in this area, which was crucial for the fight against the virus. The mobile networks were essential for the social isolation control and the containment of the virus spread in China. The United States, however, concentrate their efforts on the biotechnology sector to tackle the pandemic.


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Author Biographies

Italo Barreto Poty, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Bacharel em História pela UFRJ, Mestre e Doutorando em Economia Política Internacional pela UFRJ, membro do Laboratório de Simulações e Cenários da Escola de Guerra Naval.

Caroline Boletta de O. Aguiar, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro

Graduanda em Relações Internacionais pela UFRRJ, membro do Laboratório de Simulações e Cenários da Escola de Guerra Naval.


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How to Cite

Poty, I. B., & Aguiar, C. B. de O. (2021). U.S. and Chinese public policies toward the pandemic: geopolitical tensions, technological competition, and development models. Monções: UFGD Journal of International Relations, 10(20), 549–586. https://doi.org/10.30612/rmufgd.v10i20.13143