International Relations and its epistemicides


  • Marta Fernández Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)



epistemicide, coloniality, state of nature


The article argues that the discipline of International Relations is complicit in the colonial project and, in this sense, takes part in the historical process of epistemicide. Both realist and liberal perspectives in International Relations reify a “single story” narrated though as universal. Through the myths mobilized by the discipline, such as the myths of the “state of nature” and the “social contract”, the text aims at putting light on its Eurocentric trajectory, calling attention to its constitutive forms of violence and exclusions. The article, inspired by decolonial perspectives, concludes by emphasizing the importance of opening of the discipline to other knowledges and cosmologies, that have been traditionally silenced and inferiorized, and that can contribute to destabilize the discipline’s racist foundations


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Author Biography

Marta Fernández, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)

Professora Adjunta do Instituto de Relações Internacionais da PUC-Rio


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How to Cite

Fernández, M. (2019). International Relations and its epistemicides. Monções: UFGD Journal of International Relations, 8(15), 458–485.



Artigos Dossiê - Teoria das Relações Internacionais no Brasil