The extensionist practice and the solidary economy in the incubator of social and solidary technologies


  • Ijean Gomes Riedo Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD)
  • Alexandre Coradini Ribeiro Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD)
  • Tania Cristina Costa Calarge Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD)



Economia Solidária. Geração de Renda. Incubadora Social.


The Social and Solidarity Technologies Incubator - ITESS is a sector of the Pro-Rectory of Extension and Community Affairs focused on the development and incubation of enterprises of Solidarity Economy, based on the pillars of Self-management, Scientific Management, Incubation, Citizen Training, Security Food, Agroecology and Organic Production and Gender Issues. For Singer (2002) the alternative forms of economy still appeared in the late nineteenth century with the impoverishment of artisans due to the serious social damages caused by industrial capitalism. Since these actions are strongly based on popular education, it is up to the universities to strengthen these groups, offering technical qualification in various areas from management to technical areas of production, such as food production from land to consumption (nutritional aspects). In view of this, the projects currently under development are also linked to Family Agriculture. The Incubator's work methodology is dynamic and adapts based on social demands, financing opportunities and partnerships with organizations from the various sectors - always through extension projects, and in all perspectives of social and economic alternatives is maintained. Many are the challenges of the extensionist practice, but three main ones can be highlighted in the ITESS model: 1) the infrastructure offered for the social groups to start their productive activity is adapted from a teaching space, and as such has physical limitations, as well as investment and financing constraints; 2) Due to the characteristic of incubation through projects, many demands of the social groups and the academic community involved arise after the beginning of the activities, which causes the need for adjustments in the initial project, or the submission of new projects to meet new demands, before not foreseen. And lastly, 3) the ITESS/UFGD practices by the internal and external community are still little known, although some incubated projects stand out. This last challenge stands out because increasing the demand for incubator services, including as an opportunity for extension by the university public, would make possible the effective commitment of university extension, placing the students in contact with the community and putting into practice and developing their knowledge. It is also observed that cooperatives - which were the first type of enterprise to break the paradigms of Capital and Work - are not yet an served by ITESS/UFGD and, therefore, an opportunity for future projects.


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How to Cite

Riedo, I. G., Ribeiro, A. C., & Calarge, T. C. C. (2019). The extensionist practice and the solidary economy in the incubator of social and solidary technologies. RealizAção, 6(11), 116–129.


