The Matrons of the Church of Rome in Late Antiquity


  • Fabiano de Souza Coelho Insituto Federal do Espírito Santo (IFES)



Women, asceticism, sexual renunciation.


In the present work we will present in the ascetic movement in Christianity and the gender relations existing in these religious tendencies in Late Antiquity. The characteristics and forms of Christian asceticism, sexual renunciation and, finally, women in the Church of Rome in the late fourth century CE. These matrons led a significant monastic movement in the city of Rome, of the aristocracy, the widows Marcela and Paula, in the region of Aventine. Moreover, these women were tutored by the monk Jerome of Stridon who can share the radical ascetic experience of the Syrian desert, the teaching of Christian Holy letters and Eastern languages.


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Author Biography

Fabiano de Souza Coelho, Insituto Federal do Espírito Santo (IFES)

Doutor em História Comparada (UFRJ).


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How to Cite

Coelho, F. de S. (2018). The Matrons of the Church of Rome in Late Antiquity. Revista Eletrônica História Em Reflexão, 12(23), 49–67.