The Afrofuturism and Teatro Experimental do Negro

Narratives of resistance and deconstruction of structural racism in Brazil


  • Daniela Alves dos Santos Universidade Estadual da Paraíba



Afrofuturism, Teatro Experimental do Negro, Art, Racism


This article systematically addresses the phenomenon of structural racism and the conception of Afrofuturism in the Brazilian context, with the aim of undertaking an insightful analysis of the historical influence of slavery in the formation of prejudice directed at the black community, at the same time that it explores the intrinsic potentialities of Afrofuturism to restructure these stigmatizing perceptions. The method adopted to achieve this purpose comprises a critical approach that focuses on the historical and cultural trajectory of Brazil, placing particular emphasis on contemporary manifestations of the racial phenomenon. The results of this analysis irrefutably highlight the perpetuation of social inequalities and the consolidation of stereotypical representations of the black population in the media. Additionally, they highlight the urgency of promoting a narrative that not only values, but also deconstructs stereotypes rooted in the social structure. The Teatro Experimental do Negro also stands out as an avant-garde endeavor, which not only encouraged the creation of new works, but also led to the emergence of emerging talents, playing a crucial role in the acceptance of contemporary movements, notably Afrofuturism. The conclusion that must be drawn is that Afrofuturism, through its artistic expressions and fictional narratives, presents itself as a vehicle capable of catalyzing the collective imagination, rescuing neglected historical fragments and establishing new paradigms of expectation for the black community. In this context, it reveals itself as a transformative agent, effectively contributing to the deconstruction of structural racism and the promotion of a more comprehensive acceptance of black identity.


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How to Cite

Alves dos Santos, D. (2024). The Afrofuturism and Teatro Experimental do Negro : Narratives of resistance and deconstruction of structural racism in Brazil. Revista Eletrônica História Em Reflexão, 19(36), 52–71.