Axé, Babá! The carnival returned to home!




Religião. Umbanda. Escolas de samba. Carnaval. Desfile.


This article aims to show that the samba schools of the Carnival of the city of Río de Janeiro returned to Afro-Brazilian religions as the theme of their parades in the years 2020, 2022 and 2023, after a period deprived of this theme, despite that the parades and samba schools had their origins in the terreiros of Rio, spaces that were configured as African territories in post-slavery Brazil and
where all the cultural capital of black people was born, including religions, music, aesthetics . The article details the parades from 2017 to 2023 based on the analysis of the themes of the sambas-plots, quantifying those in which
Umbanda, Candomblé, their deities and their symbols are present, in a direct way - that's it, that's it. main theme the substantial - part of the same - the indirect - where the theme is briefly mentioned. The article highlights the result of the 2022 parade, where the Academicos do Grande Rio school won the championship with the samba “Fala, Majeté! Seven keys of Exu”, because it portrays Exu, the most controversial deity of the African pantheon due to the
entire process of demonization suffered in other religions, especially in neopentecostal churches. The article recovers this process of demonization to show how significant this result is.


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Author Biography

Fernanda Miranda, UFSCar

Mestranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia da Universidade Federal de São
Carlos (PPGS-UFSCar). E-mail da autora:


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How to Cite

Miranda, F. (2024). Axé, Babá! The carnival returned to home!. Revista Eletrônica História Em Reflexão, 19(36), 72–95.