Contemporary reflections and historiographical perspectives on the pathologization of the female body





Social history, Informal social controls, Punishment, Women


This study aimed to analyze the historical evolution of the pathologization of female bodies, highlighting the main medical and social theories that contributed to this practice in contemporary society. It also aimed to investigate the implications of the pathologization of female bodies in social, cultural, and individual spheres, considering its impact on women's health, well-being, and autonomy. Through a descriptive bibliographic study, it was evidenced that the pathologization of female bodies began in Ancient Greece with the attribution of hysteria as the first exclusively female mental disorder. Throughout history, this practice was influenced by social, cultural, and religious factors, which contributed to the perpetuation of stereotypes and prejudices against women. The pathologization of female bodies has significant impacts on social, cultural, and individual spheres. It affects women's physical and mental health, as well as their autonomy and well-being. Furthermore, the imposition of unrealistic beauty standards and the restriction of access to reproductive health services are examples of how pathologization limits women's choices and freedom. In conclusion, this study highlights the need to question and challenge stereotypes and prejudices related to female bodies. It is essential to promote acceptance of the diversity of female bodies and ensure equal access and appropriate treatment in all areas of healthcare. Only then can we build a more just and inclusive society where women can live with health, well-being, and full autonomy.


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Author Biography

Jeferson Luis Lima da Silva, Uniasselvi

Especialista em Direitos Humanos (Faculdade Focus) e Ciências Humanas e Sociais Aplicadas (UFPI). Licenciado em Sociologia (Unicesumar) e História (Uniasselvi). É professor na Educação Básica e Gestor Educacional no Ensino Superior. 


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How to Cite

Silva, J. L. L. da. (2024). WANDERING, UNBALANCED, AND CONTROLLED UTERUS: Contemporary reflections and historiographical perspectives on the pathologization of the female body. Revista Eletrônica História Em Reflexão, 19(36), 153–178. https://doi.org/10.30612/rehr.v19i36.17335