Between improvement and challenges: the representation of black women in two History textbooks of brazilian Elementary Education




Textbook. History teaching. Gender. Race. Intersectionality.


There is an undergoing process of amplification of the characters analyzed in history and in history teaching. Characters that used to be silenced by the narratives of the historiography and the work of scholars that fostered a sexist, European and white civilizational  project,  started  to  gain  prominence.  Connected  with  these  changes,  this article  aims  to  analyze  the  individual  representation  of  black  women  in  two  history textbooks of Brazilian elementary education. The said books will be examined focusing on the presence and the different perspectives of discussions on hierarchy and types of resistance that are part of categories such as gender and race.


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How to Cite

Souza, C. M. (2020). Between improvement and challenges: the representation of black women in two History textbooks of brazilian Elementary Education. Revista Eletrônica História Em Reflexão, 14(27), 127–152.