Methodology for trmm data validation for Uberaba (MG)


  • Sérgio Roberto Araújo UFTM
  • Fábio de Oliveira Sanches UFTM
  • Ricardo Vicente Ferreira UFTM



Rainfall. Statistical tests. Box plot. Triângulo Mineiro. Satellites.


Rainfall estimates made by satellites have contributed to the coverage of climatological data in continental countries such as Brazil. However, its accuracy is still questionable when compared to the data collected on the surface. e objective was to evaluate the quality of the data estimated by the TRMM satellite to Uberaba (MG) from data observed on surface. Descriptive statistics (Average, Median, Amplitude, Standard Deviation and Coeffi cient of Variation) and box plot analysis showed strong similarity. e Pearson correlation showed that the data sets have a high level of similarity (R ² = 0.994). e Student t-test showed that the data sets are statistically homogeneous. us, the results showed excellent data quality estimated by TRMM to Uberaba (MG) when compared to the observed data.


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How to Cite

Araújo, S. R., Sanches, F. de O., & Ferreira, R. V. (2017). Methodology for trmm data validation for Uberaba (MG). ENTRE-LUGAR, 8(16), 131–141.


