Participatory planning, the statute of cities and urban management: some notes




City, Urban Management, Urban Conflicts, Social Movements, Popular Participation


The text discusses the city and urban problems in a context of demographic growth marked by successive displacements of the population from the countryside to the city. It aims to expose the dimension of conflicts and the incessant struggle of social movements for democratic urban management. Urban Reform, Participatory Planning, City Statute refer to the struggles contained in the political agenda of social movements that emerged among the various modes of democratic city management perspectives and are linked to the antagonistic and contradictory relations of social classes in the context of capitalist relations of production. Popular participation in the recent history of Brazilian society was compulsory. It was society demanding rights in an authoritarian context imposed by the 1964 coup. The strong demanding character of the movements based on extreme poverty reached more advanced forms with strikes and other forms of pressure for the opening of dialogue channels for recording and negotiating their rights. 


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Author Biography

José Borzacchiello da Silva, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)

Professor Titular e Emérito da Universidade Federal do Ceará. Professor dos Programas de Pós Graduação em Geografia da UFC e PUC-RIO, Pós-doutor em Geografia Humana pela Université de Paris IV - Sorbonne. Doutor e mestre em Geografia Humana pela USP. Coordenou a área de Geografia da CAPES (2008/2010). Presidiu a AGB (1986-1988). Presidiu a ANPEGE (2003-2005). Atua na área de Geografia Urbana, especialmente no enfoque dos Movimentos Sociais. Associado Efetivo do Instituto do Ceará (Histórico, Geográfico e Antropológico).] Membro da Comissão Brasileira de Justiça e Paz da CNBB. Exerceu a função de Assessor do Cearah Periferia. É conselheiro do CETRA. Realizou Expertise e Consultoria Internacional para o Conseil Scientifiqu da Open Edition que desenvolve a Plataforma Editou o livro French-Brazilian Geography - The Influence of French Geography in Brazil, pela Springer Briefs in Latin American Studies. Integra o projeto PRINT/CAPES Integrated socio-environmental technologies and methods for territorial sustainability: alternatives for local communities in the context of climate change. Integra Comissão Editorial de revistas nacionais e estrangeiras. 


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How to Cite

Silva, J. B. da. (2024). Participatory planning, the statute of cities and urban management: some notes. ENTRE-LUGAR, 15(29), 74–89.


