Border(s) territorialities: a socio-spacial reality analysis, from Porto Murtinho (BR)/Peralto Carmelo (PY) to Fuerte Olimpo (PY)




Border(s). Paraguay River. Fieldwork. Brazil-Paraguay.


The analyzes and observations presented in this note refer to Fieldwork carried out on the Brazil-Paraguay border, in the stretch of the border zone located between the twin cities of Porto Murtinho (BR)/Peralto Carmelo (PY) and the city of Fuerte Olimpo (PY) – specifically, in the Ayoreo indigenous community (PY); Puerto Guarani (PY); Virgen Santisíma indigenous community, Pueblo Ishir, Chamacoco (PY); and the city of Fuerte Olimpo (PY), located on the banks of the Paraguay River, in the Department of Alto Paraguay. The journey was carried out by river, in which Rio became a central element for understanding the diverse and different border dynamics. Throughout the journey, we aimed to understand the border socio-spatial dynamics, marked by river routes; understand the relationship between body, life and border territorialities; learn about the reality of indigenous communities along the international border; and, thus, understand the existence of multiple border(s). We use Fieldwork as a theoretical-methodological procedure, which is, par excellence, the Geographer's Laboratory; readings about space, place, landscape, territory, territoriality and border; field journal; and interviews. The territory produced/reproduced in the analysis territorial cutout passes through the State and people from the most diverse Between-Places, the Paraguay River operates as central element in the socio-spatial dynamics comprehension and the Twin-cities present a web articulation.


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Author Biographies

Cláudia Marques Roma, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD)

Possui graduação em Geografia (licenciatura - 2004 e bacharelado - 2005) pela Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP-Presidente Prudente, mestrado (2008) e doutorado em Geografia (2012) na mesma instituição, debatendo os seguintes temas: cidades pequenas, inter-relação rural-urbano, saúde e fronteira(s). Atualmente é professora adjunta da Universidade Federal da Grande. (UFGD).Dourados.

Débora Egda da Silva Cruz, Federal University of Grande Dourados

The fourth, of six children, born to teacher Maria das Dores Cruz and farmer Elias Luiz da Silva. She attended primary and secondary education in the public school system in the municipality of Jardim- CE (hometown) and higher education in Geography at the Regional University of Cariri (URCA), Crato- CE campus, completed in 2018. Currently a master's student in the Postgraduate in Geography (PPGG) from the Federal University of Grande Dourados (UFGD).

Leonardo Martins Maior, Federal University of Grande Dourados

Master's student of the Postgraduate Program in Geography at the Federal University of Grande Dourados


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How to Cite

Roma, C. M., Egda da Silva Cruz, D., & Martins Maior, L. (2023). Border(s) territorialities: a socio-spacial reality analysis, from Porto Murtinho (BR)/Peralto Carmelo (PY) to Fuerte Olimpo (PY). ENTRE-LUGAR, 14(28), 166–186.



Nota de Pesquisa