The power of tourist capital in camping territories in the province of Inhambane-Mozambique




Foreign capital. Rural space. Power. Country territory.


How to understand the impacts of neoliberal policies, in particular, those that embody the implementation of private initiatives, and which translate into impositions of capital in the territories of the peasants - Local Communities, in the province of Inhambane? Based on this issue, we propose to launch a debate on the processes of territorialization of tourist capital, in the context of the implementation of local development policies in the municipality of Inhambane, province of Inhambane, in Mozambique. Our aim in this article is to interpret the transformations taking place in the field (agrarian space). The debate starts from the assumption that tourism is a social phenomenon, which some think is possible, through it, to generate economic gains. This idea validates that in the process of promoting tourism, it spreads and creates imaginary of what are considered benefits from tourism: tax revenues for governments; job posts; partnerships between tour operators with local producers, culture makers, etc. What stimulates the imaginary of these economic benefits, and the idea that tourism is the economic segment that moves more money, the socioeconomic sector that creates more jobs, when compared to other branches of economic activities. The material treated here was obtained through bibliographic research, document review and field observations.


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How to Cite

Macaringue, E., & Chaveiro, E. (2021). The power of tourist capital in camping territories in the province of Inhambane-Mozambique. ENTRE-LUGAR, 12(23), 248–272.



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