


Maricá-RJ, Rural Tourism, Folk Culture, Geopoetics, Territorialities


This study reports on the initial reflections of doctoral research in Geography at Rio de Janeiro State University. The thesis, based on militant perspectives for epistemic rescues, is authored by an Afro-indigenous researcher who observes the rural municipality of Maricá-RJ. Maricá, a word of Tupi-Guarani origin, declared in 2017 Cidade da Capoeira (City of Capoeira) by the City Council as part of a series of actions in favor of Afro-Brazilian culture, has Afro-Indian structural origins. However, according to the official website, its history is essentially colonial. This work focuses on the city's official tourist route and its approach to local culture. It looks at the sites chosen as representative and therefore listed for visitation on the portal. It also identifies the historical and cultural markers of these spaces in terms of their origins and meanings. The city, despite its post-colonial history and the efforts of the Culture Department to maintain the relationship between inhabitants and the natural environment in harmony, based on an agro-ecological culture, for example, this year carried out the municipality's first Cultural Census; however, its official tourism itinerary makes no mention of the indigenous ethnic groups, African peoples and Afro-Brazilian personalities who lived here and played a leading role in the construction of many of the spaces chosen as tourist attractions and whose values guide the maintenance of the city's natural spaces and planting, harvesting and eating habits. It is essential that the Secretariats of Culture, Human Rights and Tourism work together to restructure the text that presents the city on the official website.


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Author Biographies

Camila Reis Tomaz, Rio de Janeiro State University / PhD student in Geography

I have a bachelor's degree in Physical Education from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). I've been a yoga instructor with ancestral and Afro-diasporic references for 11 years, and for four years I've been an assistant in the Yoga Fundamentals subject, an elective on UFRJ's Physical Education courses. Research territorialities in and of Nature Conservation, especially identifications with and from the Environment. I have a master's degree from the Postgraduate Program in Ecotourism and Conservation at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO, 2019-2021). Founded and coordinated the Pre-Master's for GPs, and later co-founded and co-coordinated the Fresta Knowledge Study Group (GESF GeoTales - UNIRIO, 2020-2022). I was part of the Popular Culture and Society Study Group, creating its visual identity, social media profile and black science dissemination materials (2020-2023). PhD student in the Postgraduate Program in Geography at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), scheduled for completion in 2026. Member of the Research in Action Working Group and the Territory and Resistance in Globalization Study Group (both UFF) and GeoCorpo (UERJ).

Kim Tiba Ferreira, Rio de Janeiro State University / Master's student in Geography

Bachelor's degree in Geography from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ). He worked in the Deputy Head of Research and Development Sector at Embrapa Agrobiologia/Seropédica as a graduate trainee on the project entitled "Technological solutions for optimizing the use of waste and biomass for soil fertility in organic production systems" (2016-2017). He was a monitor for the Theory and Scientific Method in Geography and Agrarian Geography subjects in 2017 and 2018. He is currently doing a master's degree in the Postgraduate Program in Geography at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (PPGEO-UERJ), in the line of research on culture.

Daniel Pires Mendes, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro / Bachelor in Social Sciences

Bachelor's degree in Social Sciences from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), currently studying Physical Education at the same institution, with graduation scheduled for 2025. She is a member of the Fresta Knowledge Study Group (GESF GeoTales - UNIRIO, 2020-2022). She researches different expressions of the relationships between amateur basketball athletes and the spaces where they practice the sport.

Nilton Abranches Junior, Rio de Janeiro State University / Lecturer in the Postgraduate Programme in Geography

He holds a bachelor's and a licentiate's degree in Geography from UERJ, a master's and a doctorate from UFRJ, and a post-doctorate in Human Geography (UFRJ) and Human Rights (UFPB). He is an associate professor in the Department of Human Geography at the Institute of Geography at UERJ - Maracanã. He is a permanent professor in the Postgraduate Program in Geography at UERJ/Maracanã, in the line of Culture and Nature.


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How to Cite

Reis Tomaz, C., Tiba Ferreira, K., Pires Mendes, D., & Abranches Junior, N. (2024). PATHS THROUGH A COLONIZED CULTURE: ROADMAP OF EPISTEMIC URBANIZATION IN TOURISM IN MARICÁ-RJ. Revista Da ANPEGE, 19(40).