Dendrobium anosmum Lindl. in green areas at the Federal University of Grande Dourados, UFGD




Floriculture. Landscaping. Orchidaceae. Ornamental plants.


There is little knowledge about the morphophysiological adjustments of germinated orchids and cultivated in vitro when inserted in green areas. The objective of this study was to evaluate the insertion of Dendrobium anosmum Lindl. in green areas at the UFGD. Twenty individuals were fixed to the phorophytes and submitted to four treatments: T1- without substrate and fertilizer; T2- with substrate and without fertilizer; T3- without substrate with fertilizer and T4- with substrate and fertilizer. For 300 days, survival (SOB), length (CP) and diameter of pseudobulbs (DP), number of shoots (NB) and keikis (NK) were evaluated. There was 100% survival, the smallest reduction in DP was observed in T1 and the highest NK in T4. The highest CP values were observed in T3 and the highest NB in T2. The supply of fertilizer and the presence of substrate influenced the development of D. anosmum when fixed in phorophytes, enabling the use of this technique for landscape purposes.


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How to Cite

Sorgato, J. C., Ribeiro, L. M., Soares, J. S., Grafen, R. F., & de Araujo, A. L. X. (2021). Dendrobium anosmum Lindl. in green areas at the Federal University of Grande Dourados, UFGD. Agrarian Journal, 14(51), 1–8.



Article - Plant Breeding