Native informants and the limits of Portuguese dominion in late-colonial Brazil




Colonial Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Coroado, Coropó, Wilderness Guides, Frontiers and Borderlands, State Formation, Contraband, Mining


Throughout its colonial history, much of Portuguese America’s sparsely populated territory remained incompletely colonized, the province of autonomous and semiautonomous Indians. In a policy shift after 1750, the implications of which remain poorly understood, the Portuguese Crown intensified efforts to control Brazil’s many inland frontiers. This article focuses on one of these regions, the rugged mountains separating the captaincies of Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais. Exploring relations between Portugal’s centralizing transatlantic state and the zone’s indigenous peoples, it emphasizes the importance of territorial intelligence gathered from the Coroado, Coropó, and other Indians by officials who dispatched a military expedition to counter the flow of contraband gold and diamonds. The article argues that the indigenous occupants of this strategic region largely defined the limits of state power while securing their own survival and independence.


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Author Biography

Hal Langfur, University at Buffalo (SUNY), Buffalo, Nova York, Estados Unidos

Doutor em História pela University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin); Professor Associado da University at Buffalo (SUNY)


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How to Cite

Langfur, H. (2023). Native informants and the limits of Portuguese dominion in late-colonial Brazil. Fronteiras, 24(44), 21–51.

