Meteorological time series trends and their implications for daily reference evapotranspiration
Pettitt, Buishand, Mann-Kendall, EToAbstract
Data quality in meteorological and climatological analyses depends on the homogeneity of time series, ensuring that observed variations are due only to climatic and temporal factors. Accordingly, this study aimed to investigate trends in meteorological time series in the state of Espírito Santo and their impacts on reference evapotranspiration (ETo) using three homogeneity tests (Pettitt, Buishand, and SNHT), as well as the Mann-Kendall test to assess trends and the Sen’s Slope to quantify their magnitudes. The results showed significant breaks in daily maximum and minimum temperatures (Tmax and Tmin), relative humidity (URmed), solar radiation (RS), wind speed (U2), and ETo. Analyses revealed regional differences in ETo, with some locations showing an increasing trend while others remained stable or decreased. For example, in certain municipalities such as Linhares and Presidente Kennedy, higher Tmax and lower URmed contributed to an increase in ETo. Conversely, reduced RS and U2 were associated with lower ETo in places like Santa Teresa and Vitória. These findings underscore the importance of using multiple homogeneity tests to detect breaks in time series and of understanding how different meteorological variables interact to influence ETo. The observed trends could negatively affect water availability in the region, highlighting the need for ongoing monitoring to support water and agricultural planning in the context of climate change.
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