Empirical model for estimating direct solar irradiation in Natal, Brazil
Physical Climatology. Clearness index. Solar energy. Hourly estimation.Abstract
Solar radiation plays a crucial role in a variety of terrestrial processes, ranging from biological phenomena to meteorological events. Its monitoring is essential in agricultural studies, weather forecasting, and solar energy projects. For simple applications, such as solar water heating or electricity generation in photovoltaic power stations, it is sufficient to know the levels of global and diffuse solar radiation. However, for solar thermal concentrators, it is necessary to measure the direct component of solar radiation, which is rarely measured at meteorological stations due to the high cost of the equipment involved. Based on this, the aim of this study was to develop a logistic model to estimate the direct solar radiation in the city of Natal, Brazil, from the correlations between global and diffuse solar radiation with the clearness index. For this purpose, two years of data from the solarimetric station installed at the Northeast Regional Center were used. The proposed model was validated by comparing its performance against the Erbs and Bourges models using the statistical indicators MBE, RMSE, and NSE. For the logistic model, the following results were obtained: MBE = 0.35%, RMSE = 17.78%, and NSE = 96.10%. It was concluded that the proposed model showed a strong correlation with the observed data, achieving a performance slightly superior to the comparison models. The present model may be used in direct solar radiation simulations, as long as the irradiance data is provided on an hourly basis and the climate features of the location are similar to those found in Natal.
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