A methodology for thermal comfort research based on the study of the University City of Dourados (MS)





Effective Temperature. Urban Climate. Open Spaces.


This study aims to introduce a methodology for analyzing thermal discomfort, considering the Effective Temperature and responses gathered from interviews with visitors to the University Campus of Dourados, situated in the municipality of Dourados (MS). The scope of the study encompasses the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul and the Federal University of Grande Dourados. The Effective Temperature was computed using data from 13 thermo-hygrometers strategically placed in the research area, recording hourly data spanning from March 22, 2022, to March 23, 2023. Over two periods, between May 2022 and December 2022, a total of 393 interviews were conducted. Subjective variables under analysis included thermal perception, emotional state, preference, and satisfaction of interviewees regarding thermal comfort in the outdoor areas of the University Campus. The findings indicate that the synergy of Effective Temperature analysis and interview responses enhanced the research, highlighting that an understanding of discomfort extends beyond mere thermo-hygrometric data. The interviews offered a more holistic perspective, uncovering subtleties not discernible through objective analyses alone.


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Author Biographies

Priscila Moreira Santos , Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados

Possui graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo pela Universidade para o Desenvolvimento do Estado e da Região do Pantanal - UNIDERP (2010). Mestrado em Geografia pela Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados - UFGD, com área de pesquisa em Climatologia e Conforto térmico ambiental. Atualmente é arquiteta e urbanista da Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados. Tem experiência na área de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, com ênfase em elaboração de projeto executivo, acessibilidade e sistema de gestão da qualidade.

Charlei Aparecido da Silva, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados

Post-doctorate in Geography (2014) from the Department of Geography at Unesp Presidente Prudente. Ph.D. in Geography from the Institute of Geosciences at Unicamp (2006), with a focus on Environmental Analysis and Territorial Dynamics. Master's in Geosciences (2001) from the Institute of Geosciences and Exact Sciences at São Paulo State University, Rio Claro Campus, in the concentration area of Geosciences and Environment. Graduated in Geography with a Bachelor's degree (1996) and a Teaching degree (1997). Faculty member since 1998, teaching in Geography and Tourism programs. Currently part of the faculty and researchers at the Undergraduate Geography program and the Graduate Program in Geography at the Federal University of Grande Dourados. Supervisor of master's and doctoral students in the PPGG/UFGD. Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Geography at UFGD (2021-2023; 2011-2013). Vice Coordinator of PPGG-UFGD (2019-2021; 2009-2011). Coordinated the Undergraduate Geography programs (bachelor's and teaching degrees) in the biennium 2017-2018. Tutor for PET-Geography at UFGD (2015-2021). Served as Director Treasurer of ANPEGE (National Association of Research and Graduate Studies in Geography - Terms 2011/2013; 2014/2015; and 2016/2017). Member of the Fiscal Council of ANPEGE (2018-2019; 2020-2021). Held positions as Director Treasurer and Director President of ABClima (Brazilian Association of Climatology), respectively, during the terms 2010/2012 and 2012/2014. Scientific Director of ABClima since 2016. Chief Editor of RBClima (since August 2021) and of the journal Entre-Lugar (since 2015). Ad Hoc reviewer for funding agencies and national and international scientific journals. CNPq Productivity Research Fellow since 2023. Awarded in 2023 with prizes from ANPEGE at the XV National Meeting of the National Association of Graduate and Research in Geography, and from ABClima at the XV Brazilian Symposium on Geographical Climatology.


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How to Cite

Santos , P. M., & Silva, C. A. da. (2024). A methodology for thermal comfort research based on the study of the University City of Dourados (MS). Brazilian Journal of Climatology, 35(20), 203–228. https://doi.org/10.55761/abclima.v35i20.18142


