Long-term intense rain equation for Santa Catarina, Brazil
extreme event, natural disasters, inundation, drainageAbstract
Reliable estimates of extreme long-term rainfall are important for understanding the risks of natural disasters such as floods and landslides. In Brazil, there are few studies on the risk of extreme long-term rainfall events. The available IDF equations only allow estimating heavy rainfall lasting less than 24 hours. This study aimed to adjust the Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) equation for rainfall lasting ten days for the state of Santa Catarina. 176 rainfall stations with data series over 30 years were used. Maximum rainfall lasting from one to ten days and return periods of 2, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50 and 100 years were estimated. The coefficients of the heavy rainfall equation were adjusted. The performance indices confirmed the good fit of the equations, with R² greater than 0.969 and Nash-Sutcliffe Coefficient greater than 0.928. The K Coefficient showed greater variation between the coefficients of the heavy rainfall equation given with higher values on the north coast of the state. The intense rains show spatial variation, with higher values observed in the regions of the North Coast and Far West of the state and lower values in the Middle Itajaí Valley region. The IDF equations make it possible to obtain estimates for rainfall lasting from one to ten days and a return period from 2 to 100 years, and can be used to estimate the risks of extreme events for the State of Santa Catarina.
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