Hourly hygrothermal indicators of desertification centers in the state of Paraiba, Brazil
Air temperature. Atmospheric humidity. Ambiental degradationAbstract
Although desertification is a process of land degradation, there is no scientific consensus as to whether the causes are caused by the climate, by anthropic actions and/or result from an interaction between them. In view of this, an attempt was made to establish the main hygrothermal indicators of the atmospheric air, in the desertification centers of Cariri and Seridó of Paraíba, located in the intermediate geographic regions of Campina Grande and Patos, these determinations being the main objectives. The desertification nuclei of Cariri and Seridó of Paraiba are located in the intermediate geographic regions of Campina Grande and Patos. Hourly air temperature and relative humidity data were collected from automatic meteorological stations installed in Cabaceiras (Cariri) and Santa Luzia (Seridó), from 01.01.2013 to 12.31.2020, and the pressures were determined partial and saturation, pressure deficit, dew point temperature and absolute and saturation humidity’s. With the monthly climatologically series of rainfall, local rainfall regimes were established. The main results indicate that the hourly hygrothermal characteristics, in the mentioned desertification nuclei, differ from each other. The desertification core of Cariri is colder and more humid than that of Seridó. The water vapor retention capacity is a direct function of the air temperature and the relative humidity occurs inversely. Adverse anthropic actions contribute to increase environmental degradation, although high thermal indicators, low moisture levels and irregular rainfall contribute to culminating in desertification. Air temperature is the main hygrothermal air indicator and can be used to estimate other thermodynamic indicators with high precision.
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