Use of meteorological radar for the evaluation of polarimetric variables associated with lightning in Eastern Amazonia
Descargas Atmosféricas, Radar Meteorológico, AmazôniaAbstract
Understanding the microphysics of clouds associated with severe storms with high incidence of lightning can serve as a scientific basis for the development of warning systems to protect lives and equipment exposed to the outdoors. In this work, the polarimetric variables of a meteorological radar during storms with high occurrence of lightning in areas of Eastern Amazonia were evaluated, with the aim of subsidizing improvements in the lightning warning system. The study was carried out for events with records above 13.000 lightning/day in the region of interest. The results showed that regions with high electrical activity showed greater production of ice crystals and greater availability of super-cooled drops at higher levels of the cloud, essential mechanisms in the charge separation process, whose main factor that favored this behavior were the movements more intense verticals inside the cloud. In areas of low electrical activity, the frequencies of negative values of polarimetric variables were lower, indicative of less intense electric fields, and consequent lower generation of lightning. Thus, the results suggest that the inclusion of radar data in the lightning warning system has the potential to generate more accurate information.
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