Analysis of the climate features of Tangará da Serra/MT – BR, from the climate year of reference [TRY] and the climate normals of the city
Climate variables., Bioclimatic strategies., Sustainability.Abstract
Climate features of a region can be considered crucial for the development of sustainable architecture projects, since buildings designed for local climate provide reduction in energy demand, both in summer and winter. This way, the article aims to determine the reference climatic year (TRY) for Tangará da Serra, Mato Grosso; develop the bioclimatic chart from the data of the corresponding year and compare the results to those derived from the climatological normals. For this, it was performed the treatment of historical data from records of weatherstations of the National Institute of Meteorology (INMET) and the Technological Center of Geoprocessing and Remote Sensing applied to the production of biodiesel - CETEGEO-SR; installed at the University of the State of Mato Grosso – UNEMAT, in Tangará da Serra. Graphs and tables were created based on them, in order to compose the interpretation of the achieved results. As results, 2009 was obtained as the climate year of reference and the percentage values corresponding to the bioclimate zones in which the city is inserted in relation to this year. This way, it can be concluded that the city has comfortable climate conditions, being inserted in Zone 01 (Comfort) in 53.36% hours/year. The following main strategies were identified: natural ventilation (26.36% hours/year), and natural ventilation associated with high thermal inertia and evaporative cooling (16.49% hours/year). The conclusions were similar to those reached with climatological normals, given that the main bioclimate strategies evidenced by this were the same as those proposed with the use of TRY.
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