Characterisitcs of extreme temperature and precipitation events in the Vale do Paraíba Paulista e Litoral Norte from São Paulo
Eventos Extremos, Índices ETCCDI, Climatologia, TendênciasAbstract
The increase in frequency, intensity, and duration of extreme events is a global concern and the focus of several studies due to the possible impacts on society. At the regional scale, these changes can be modulated by regional aspects such as land use and land cover, humidity, aerosol concentration, and urbanization, thus regional analyses are essential to understand changes in different climates and conditions. Thus, the present study sought to investigate the spatial behavior and trends of extreme events of precipitation and temperature in the Metropolitan Region of the Paraíba Valley and North Coast. We analyzed 16 indices for extremes, 6 for precipitation and 10 for temperature from the Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices (ETCCDI).. The results showed a significant increase in the warm extremes and decrease in the cold extremes, indicating a warming throughout the region. The precipitation extremes did not show statistically significant trends and the average of the indices highlighted the central region of the study area with higher intensity of hot and dry extremes.
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