Daily thermal range: characterization of the type of distribution and estimation of values in the upper percentiles
Daily temperature ranges., Estimation of temperature ranges., Passive buildings.Abstract
Designing passive buildings that present adequate thermal environments for human activities requires knowing aspects of the climate in which these buildings will be installed. Among these aspects are the daily thermal ranges (DTR). Knowing the DTR makes it possible to more accurately specify the envelope, the internal elements and the shape of the building. However, in Brazil, little is known about DTR. There are few localities for which DTRs are published. Therefore, this research aimed to better understand this variable and verify the existence of patterns in its distribution. Secondarily, it aimed to propose and evaluate methods for estimating daily temperature ranges in different percentiles. To achieve these goals, data from 153 locations in the state of Santa Catarina, a region with varied climatic contexts, were analyzed. The analysis pointed out that the daily temperature ranges have a normal distribution and that it is possible to make estimates for the upper percentiles for a location based on its annual average. Three methods for estimating at different percentiles have been proposed. The application of the methods to 44 locations in the state of Rio Grande do Sul indicated that the three presented satisfactory results for percentiles between 70 and 99.
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