Brazilian high energy waves climate based on past 41 years using ECMWF ERA5 reanalysis Dataset.
Circulação Atmosférica, Potência de ondas, SazonalidadeAbstract
Over the last decade, many studies have used wind and waves records to determine the climatology throughout the Brazilian coast. Nonetheless, there is a scarcity of climatology for high energy waves, as the simulations of these events are frequently elaborated in regional scales related to specific events. The reanalysis with data assimilation measured in loco enables databases to be permanently updated, generating more accurate results. This study aims to characterize the climate of storm waves in the Brazilian coast, using the reanalysis database ERA5 ECMWF. Storm waves were defined as waves of superior or equal height to the average of 5% of the highest waves in the databases (≥H5%). The results show that the occurrence and duration of storm waves are similar along the Brazilian coast. On average, there is the occurrence of ten events per year with an average duration of 20 hours. However, each one presents waves of different characteristics throughout the Brazilian shore. Two distinct patterns of power and incidence of storm waves were identified. The South and Southeast regions present a severer waves climate, while states in the Northeast region present a softer waves climate. Such behavior is influenced by the atmospheric systems responsible for generating such waves. These systems also abide to the seasonal pattern of power increase and reduction of storm waves throughout the Brazilian shore.
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