The Social vulnerability of the southeast region of Brazil in the face of climate variability




Climate change, Social vulnerability, Climate characterization


Understanding the relationship between social vulnerability and the effects of climate change is fundamental in the context of adaptation and mitigation of the impacts of this change. The objective of this study was to correlate precipitation (mm) and maximum and minimum temperatures (ºC) of the Brazilian Southeast states from 2010 to 2019 with the social vulnerability index in the region. For this, the climate variability of the study area was characterized, later relating it to the Social Vulnerability Index (IVS) through a simple Pearson correlation (r). The results showed that the Brazilian Southeast is more sensitive and susceptible to the impacts caused by precipitation compared to the impacts resulting from the temperature variation in the region; and, regarding the correlation between climate variability and social vulnerability, a positive relationship was identified between the latter one and the persistent rains typical of the SACZ phenomenon - reiterating that precipitation is an influential meteorological variable on social vulnerability in the Southeast and that global change of climate can negatively influence the climate on a regional and local scale and bring harm to society associated with its resilience and adaptive capacity.


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How to Cite

Yumi Kuroki, L., Ramos de Sousa, A., Gomes Calado, G., Nunes Calado, B., Cardoso, A., & Cleofé Valverde Brambila, M. (2022). The Social vulnerability of the southeast region of Brazil in the face of climate variability. Brazilian Journal of Climatology, 31(18), 671–695.


