Análise espacial e temporal da erosividade das chuvas no estado do Pará – Brasil a partir de dados de satélite
GPCC, Interpolação IDW, Conservação do solo e da água, Erosão do soloAbstract
Knowing the magnitude of rainfall erosivity and its spatio-temporal behavior is of paramount importance for environmental planning in relation to soil and water management and conservation practices. In view of the above, the present study aimed to estimate the monthly and annual rainfall erosivity (EI) indices and to assess their spatio-temporal distribution in the state of Pará, in the northern region of Brazil. Precipitation data from the Global Precipitation Climatology Center - GPCC meteorological satellite provided by the National Meteorological Service of Germany - DWD were used. The EI indices were determined by correlations with the records of average monthly and annual rainfall using the Fournier coefficient, and then specialized using the point interpolation method by Inverse Distance Weighting - IDW. The months from January to April had the highest monthly EI rates, with very high erosivity in more than 90% of the state's area. The metropolitan mesoregions of Belém, Marajó and Nordeste Paraense were the regions that presented the most critical scenarios for the risk of erosion. Therefore, these results can be used as an aid tool in making preventive decisions in erosion processes, aiming at an effective soil management throughout the state of Pará.
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