

Canopy layer heat island. Local Climate Zones. Meteorological data.


This work examines the characteristics of the seasonal canopy layer heat island (UHIUCL) in a medium-sized coastal city in the state of São Paulo using the Local Climate Zones approach. The present analysis is based on datalogger campaign conducted from 15th November 2017 to 11th October 2018, complemented by full meteorological data from two stations, one inside the urban area and other in the vicinities (used as the reference station). A careful analysis was conducted to select the more representative days (minimum cloudiness, homogeneous solar radiation, and no/low wind), and the resulting dataset was organized in two seasons: summer and winter. Based on the UHI intensity analysis, the results indicate that, during the night period, the temperature anomaly (UHIUCL= LCZx - LCZy) is higher in the compact high-rise buildings and during the winter. During daytime, the maximum was found in compact low-rise building and for summer period, although strong variations where observed. Those variations seem to be related with the patterns of solar exposure, shading, and vegetation of each area, but may also be associated with the differences observed between the urban and reference station. This suggests that UHI intensity analysis during daytime strongly depends on complete meteorological information.


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How to Cite

Pereira, C. T., Bourscheidt, V., & Masiero, Érico. (2021). SEASONAL VARIATION OF CANOPY LAYER HEAT ISLAND AT DISTINCT LOCAL CLIMATE ZONES IN A TROPICAL COASTAL CITY. Brazilian Journal of Climatology, 29, 205–227. Retrieved from


