Methodology for estimating air temperature as a function of altitude from topoclimatic profile data
Gradiente térmico, Estimativa da temperatura, inversão térmicaAbstract
This paper concerns to determine the correlation between air temperature and altitude and to estimate the average, maximum and minimum air temperature for the Rio do Boi watershed the state of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, Brazil. Hourly air temperatura data were collected between 07/03/2017 and 31/11/2017 from six different altitudes. Correlation and regression coefficients were used to establish the relationship between the three temperature measurements with altimetry. The thermal gradients of the three measurements were calculated by the regression line. Air temperature was spatialized by the regression line and altitude. Result showed that altitude has an influence on temperatura variation. This relationship was better explained for maxinum air temperature (R² 0.97). The relationship between altitude and minimum temperature was lower and this is reflected in the thermal gradient of the minimum temperature (0.53ºC/100m). Thermal inversions during the minimum temperature may have influenced this lower relationship between altitude and minimum temperature. However, we identified that altitude significantly influences the spatial variation of air temperature for the Rio do Boi watershed.
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