Microclimatic evaluation, thermo hygrometric and of heat islands in the city of Cuiabá-MT/Brazil
Altas temperaturas. Aquecimento urbano. Superficies impermeáveis.Abstract
The increasing urbanization of recent times highlights the importance of carrying out work related to the urban climate. Thus, the objective was to evaluate the microclimatic, thermo hygrometric and heat island conditions in Cuiabá-MT. During November 2017 to October 2018, data from INMET stations and Marechal Rondon International Airport were used, in addition to thermohygrometric data that were collected by mobile transect, through a sensor connected to the side of a motor vehicle. With the beginning alwaysat 20:00 local time, the mobile transect passed through sixteen points, being completed within 1:00 am. The microclimatic characterization represented the characteristic climate of Cuiabá, with air temperature ranging from 22.86 to 27.89°C in June and September, respectively, and the relative humidity ranging from 49.23 to 79.06% in September and February, respectively. The maximum precipitation occurred in February, with 321.96 mm, the wind direction was predominantly north and northwest and the wind speed did not exceed 3.61 m.s-1. The thermo hygrometric characterization proved to be adequate and was validated, demonstrating that the form of urban land occupation is a determining factor in modifying the thermo hygrometric behavior. As for the heat islands, in the hot-humid period the magnitude ranged from weak to moderate, with a difference of up to 2.66°C, and in the hot-dry period it ranged from weak to strong, with a difference of up to 4.38°C. It is considered that this study can contribute to the scientific community and public managers, allowing a better understanding of microclimatic and term hygrometric variations in Cuiabá, especially in the expansion areas, enabling the evaluation of the influence of thermo hygrometric anomalies existing in consolidated urban areas.
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