Teleconnections influence on Precipitation of Brazilian Cerrado
Variabilidade climática. El Niño-Oscilação Sul. Dipolo do Atlântico Sul. Modo Anular Sul.Abstract
Teleconnections are remote connections, which explain the relationship between anomalies distant from each other, typically on the order of 1,000 km, covering large geographic areas. Thus, the objective of this study is to evaluate how teleconnections influence precipitation in the Brazilian Cerrado. Through seasonal linear correlation analysis (between summer 1980 and spring 2019) with precipitation (CPC/NOAA), the tropic-tropic teleconnection (SST anomalies in El Niño regions) shows that each El Niño region and season affect differently the precipitation in the Cerrado. The tropic-subtropic teleconnection (South Atlantic Dipole) shows a predominance of positive correlations in the northern Cerrado and negative (positive) correlations in the southern Cerrado, during winter and spring (summer and autumn). The tropic-extratropic teleconnection (Southern Annular Mode - SAM) shows a predominance of positive correlations in relation to negative correlations. The stochastic model suggests that about 30% of the precipitation in the Cerrado, in autumn and winter, is associated with SAM and SST anomalies in the El Niño regions.
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