Climate aptitude, Climate Variability, Agricultural PlanningAbstract
Fruticulture is a prominent segment of Brazilian agriculture. It presents a continuous evolution of production, attending to the growing internal and external demand, besides being one of the main activities of family agriculture. Despite of recent technological and scientific advances, climate is still the most important variable in agricultural productivity. Studies that show the climatic variability and the impact on the physiological development of plant species are fundamental for the planning and agricultural calendar, aiming the conservation of resources and a sustainable management of the production. In this context, one of the first information to be considered when starting a crop is agro-climatic zoning, since it provides climate-related risk information and helps in decision-making and agricultural planning. Thus, the objective of this work was to carry out agroclimatic risk zoning for the Pineapple (Ananas comosus) in the Paraná River basin 3, Paraná state, Brazil. For this, meteorological data of 43 stations with series from 1976 to 2018 we used. The climatic risk analysis was based on the requirements of the species of precipitation, average annual temperature and in the coldest month, risk of frost and insolation. Statistical and geoprocessing techniques were applied to ensure full regional coverage of information and to contribute to decision-making. Favorable climatic conditions were identified for all climatic variables in the western portion of the river basin, while in the eastern portion the risk of frost restricted the aptitude.Downloads
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