Propriedades Psicométricas do Inventário de Ciúme Romântico- ICR
Romantic Jealousy, factorial structure, confirmatory factor analysisAbstract
Jealousy is an emotion that involves the fear of losing a valued relationship. Due to its presence in most relationships, instruments were developed to measure it. Among them, there is the Romantic Jealousy Inventory- ICR. The present study verified the factorial structure of this instrument through Confirmatory Factor Analysis. 499 Brazilians participated, 62.1% women. The results indicated the bifactor structure as the one that best suited the data. However, the hierarchical structures and six correlated factors also showed adequate adjustment indexes. In the study, the factors were named according to the content and in the following order: Romantic Jealousy, Pathological Jealousy, Aggression, Mistrust, Investigation and Insecurity. The ICR presents good indicators of validity and precision, and can be useful, for example, in the practice of Clinical Psychology.
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