State and poverty in the countryside: symbolic exchanges between rights, gift and debt
Gift. Rights. Social Policy. Brazil Without Misery Plan.Abstract
The paper seeks to analyze the notions of rights, donation and debt that feature among beneficiaries of the Technical Assistance and Rural Outreach Program (ATER) and Fomentation, within the scope of the Federal Government’s Brazil Without Misery Plan (Plano Brasil Sem Miséria), in the rural area of the Itapajé municipality, state of Ceará. The discussion is built on the advances and criticisms attributed to Social Policy in Brazil, and particularly to ‘focused’ public policies that are present in the context of rural poverty. Through bibliographic and documentary sources and field research, carried out from 2013 to 2015 and again in 2018, we found a poor rural population, with low education, living on family agriculture and with a per capita income of R$ 85.00 (US$ 20), who recognize the participation in social policies both as a right and as a gift – be it by God or by the program’s personnel. The analysis highlights the relations of dependence and symbolic exchanges that underlie the guarantee of basic rights in rural Brazil.Downloads
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