The landy structure in Brazil and the faght for agricultural reform: the Valmir Motta de Oliveira camp in Jacarezinho-PR
Conservative Modernization. Land reform. MST. Popular Education.Abstract
The text presents a debate about the historical Brazilian land structure and its conservative modernization, discusses the relationship between land ownership and tenure in Brazil, and the necessity and struggle for agrarian reform, with the action of the Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) and the Comissão Pastoral da Terra (CPT). He is also working on a brief study on Popular Education and studying a special case, the Valmir Motta de Oliveira camp in Jacarezinho, state of Paraná, a place that combines the struggle for land and education in the context of Brazilian society. Part of the specific analysis of the camp and the itinerant school and, for the development of the research, we basically use fieldwork and interviews in the camp and at the school, in addition to the historiography on the subject. The research is important for the community to know the history and struggle of a social movement from a local experience, thus obtaining a better understanding of the meaning of that Movement and the struggle for land and education, in the country, in the state and where you live.Downloads
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