The project of women architects in Revista Projeto in the 1980s
Woman. History. Archtecture.Abstract
Gender relations do not constitute a recognized and credible category in the analysis of architecture projects at the national level in academic research. Accordingly, part of the issue to which this project is committed to is the role of literary and design practice and its instruments in the construction of academic knowledge. Therefore, this work dedicates to systematizing and analyzing published projects in the 1980s, identifying their narrative from a gender perspective and attempting to comprehend their relationship with female references deficiency within academia. The research is based on the bibliographical revision of the history of project masterworks and on the historical investigation in primary sources of architecture’s relationship with the public. As a result, issues set aside by society are revealed, such as gender equality being directly related to education, thus, to the project. In brief, the purpose is to highlight the demand for gender studies in architecture teaching and, consequently, to formulate guidelines that generate debate, actions, and articulations within the university about the validity of the architectural project made by women in the construction of academic knowledge.Downloads
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