Innovation diplomacy: why not science diplomacy?

A study of the concept adopted by the Brazilian Chancellery.


  • Luis Fernano Machado Universidade de Brasília



science diplomacy; innovation diplomacy; IDP; Itamaraty; thematic analysis.


This paper seeks to examine the concept of innovation diplomacy adopted by the Brazilian Chancellery. A case study was conducted that used thematic analysis of the diplomatic cables issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, between 2017 and 2020, regarding the calls for proposals of the Innovation Diplomacy Program, which brought together the scientific and technology promotion actions developed by Brazilian embassies and consulates. The objective of the research was to identify characteristics of the definition of innovation diplomacy and compare them with the attributes of science diplomacy fleshed out in the literature reviewed. It was concluded that the concept of innovation diplomacy does not consist of a mere replacement of words, but is based on different focuses of action, national capacities, temporal horizons and potential for conflict and cooperation, in addition to having the involvement of representatives of the quadruple helix model of innovation that required new skills from the foreign  service. The implementation of an innovation diplomacy intends to position Itamaraty as an agent of support for internationalization and for the projection of Brazilian technological capabilities abroad.


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How to Cite

Machado, L. F. (2023). Innovation diplomacy: why not science diplomacy? A study of the concept adopted by the Brazilian Chancellery. Monções: UFGD Journal of International Relations, 12(23), 205–231.