Aesthetic turn and foreign policy

a Machadian reading of Brazil’s international identity


  • Luciano Muñoz Universidade de Brasília



aesthetic turn, Brazilian foreign policy, Brazilian literature


In this paper we intend to put Brazilian foreign policy into critical enquiry by means of the aesthetic turn in international relations. We dispute the traditional historiographical understanding regarding Brazil’s international identity. On the one hand, the narrative tells there was a well succeed performance at the Second Hague Peace Conference in 1907 during which Brazil supported the principle of sovereignty equality of states. On the other, it says its search for power status ended up in fiasco when Brazil withdrew from the
League of Nations in 1926. Rather, we aim at applying Machadian literature as an aesthetic device in order
to destabilize such interpretation and to think about Brazil’s international identity with ironic consciousness.
Through the allegory of Brás Cubas, we affirm that its unresolved identity brings about its frustrated quest for
international recognition.


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How to Cite

Muñoz, L. (2022). Aesthetic turn and foreign policy: a Machadian reading of Brazil’s international identity. Monções: UFGD Journal of International Relations, 11(22), 151–177.



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