Peacetime planning: the question of Venezuelan refugees in Brazil




Refugiado, Planejamento em Tempo de Paz, Venezuela


Venezuela suffers severe economic and political crisis that affect the population across the socio-economic spectrum. The crisis has led to immeasurable consequences, such as the intense migratory flow to neighboring countries, including Brazil. A lack of infrastructure necessary to absorb the number of refugees in the welcoming cities in the state of Roraima, in Brazil, has caused problems for the Brazilians themselves. Increased refugees require effective government action to conduct planning of migratoryissues during peacetime, and not just in the wake of or during a crisis. The aim of this paper is to show eventual problems arising from the migratory flow. The research question is: based on Venezuela situation, how the Brazilian Government can host the mass of refugees, without compromising its commitments to its own population security? The methodological approach of the paper addresses a bibliographical review of world policies about refugees, current Brazilian legislation on refugees, the political and economic situation of state of Roraima in Brazil. As a conclusion, it will analyze how the Brazilian Government can better prepare its peacetime planning to welcome refugees


Biografia do Autor

Orlando Mattos Sparta de Souza, Escola de Comando e Estado-Maior do Exército

Doutor em Ciências Militares pela ECEME

Danielle Morais Bourguignon Sparta, Escola de Comando e Estado-Maior do Exército

Mestranda em Ciências Militares pela ECEME

Leonardo de Andrade Alves

Mestre em Ciências Militares pela ECEME


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Como Citar

Souza, O. M. S. de, Sparta, D. M. B., & Alves, L. de A. (2021). Peacetime planning: the question of Venezuelan refugees in Brazil. Monções: Revista De Relações Internacionais Da UFGD, 10(20), 192–224.



Artigos Dossiê - Fronteira e Defesa Nacional: Segurança Integrada e Ajuda Humanitária