The Rías Baixas beyond sun and beach. O Grove, case study. (Galicia, Spain)


  • Jorge Olleros Rodríguez Universidade de Santiago de Compostela



Rías Baixas, O Grove, deseasonalisation, gastronomy, nature


The strong growth experienced by the Spanish Mediterranean around the sun and beach product, as in the case of the Canary Islands or the Andalusian Atlantic, apparently left the coasts of northern Spain at a disadvantage, as they have an irregular climate that does not provide security for those seeking many hours of sunshine for a good part of the year. For this reason, during the second half of the 20th century, the tourist destination of Rías Baixas was wrapped up with other complementary tourist attributes, such as gastronomy and landscape. This was not enough to overcome the marked seasonality in comparison with other national destinations. In the methodological section, following the case study, we have based ourselves mainly on surveys and interviews carried out in the town of O Grove. We will try to verify the convenience of changing the model as well as the alternatives to it.


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How to Cite

Olleros Rodríguez, J. (2022). The Rías Baixas beyond sun and beach. O Grove, case study. (Galicia, Spain). Revista Da ANPEGE, 17(34), 55–70.