"What makes me is the memory. And only ": the football, the passion by the bahia and the catimba in the memories of Osório Vilas-Boas


  • José Eliomar dos Santos Filho Prefeitura Municipal de Camaçari-BA




Osório Vilas-Boas, Esporte Clube Bahia, Memories


In the book 'Football: Passion and Catimba', Osório Vilas-Boas presented his viewpoint on the form (full of tricks for him, disloyal and corrupt for his opponents) as did the Esporte Clube Bahia become the most popular team of the State to start accumulating trophies during the period that he was the president. His narrative is classified as memorialist because, in a free and partial way, the author transforms in words his view about he had experienced in the football of Bahia for about fifty years. The History criticizes this form of documentary production of the past because the little care with rules, rituals, methods that are a trademark of the historiographical operation. The article aims to establish this confrontation of analyzes between the memorialist work and the view of thinkers like Michel de Certeau and Pierre Nora about the value of memories for historical science.


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How to Cite

Santos Filho, J. E. dos. (2018). "What makes me is the memory. And only ": the football, the passion by the bahia and the catimba in the memories of Osório Vilas-Boas. Revista Eletrônica História Em Reflexão, 12(24), 132–145. https://doi.org/10.30612/rehr.v12i24.8660