Right to memory, cultural citizenship and history teaching in the official curriculum of the state of são paulo





Memory, Cultural Citizenship, Teaching, Curriculum.


The contributions of the actions and cultural assets of the past from various social sectors to the historical formation of Brazilian society present in the curricula of the discipline of History constitute an essential factor for the universal and democratic access of all individuals to the right of constitution of an individual and collective memory and for the recognition of the political participation of various agents and social groups in the transformation of the national reality. This article seeks to analyze in the Official Curriculum of the State of São Paulo the role of History teaching for the constitution of memory and the guarantee of the right to cultural citizenship for the social, ethnic and cultural diversity that compose the student body of the state basic education network.


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Author Biography

Jorge Eschriqui Vieira Pinto

Doutor em História pela Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) Campus de Franca-SP. Pesquisador / Autor- Pós-Graduação- Faculdade UnyLeya-Brasília-DF.   Endereço de e-mail: jschriqui@yahoo.com.br Endereço postal: Terceira Avenida Bloco 2045 Casa 11 - Núcleo Bandeirante - Brasília - Distrito Federal. CEP: 71720-029 Telefone: (61) 3386-8206


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How to Cite

Pinto, J. E. V. (2018). Right to memory, cultural citizenship and history teaching in the official curriculum of the state of são paulo. Revista Eletrônica História Em Reflexão, 12(24), 254–279. https://doi.org/10.30612/rehr.v12i24.8496